Monday 26 March 2012

Final Deadline for Foundation Portfolio Evaluation

The final deadline to complete the evaluation section of the Foundation Portfolio is Friday 4th May 2012. You should have answered all of the 7 evaluation questions on your blog by this date. This will be the final deadline for the whole project.

You will need to save your finished magazine pages as Adobe PDF documents and place them in a folder with your name and candidate number on it. 

Friday 16 March 2012

Deadline for Contents Page

The deadline for the music magazine contents page is Friday 30th March 2012.

You should have completed the front cover, double page article and the contents page by Monday 2nd April 2012.

You will then need to begin to answer the seven questions for the evaluation.

This must include audience feedback. You can only carry out audience feedback when you have completed all the pages of your production.